B.T. Harman is a speaker, consultant, & storyteller living in the heart of atlanta. His mission is to tell stories that seed the thoughts of a healthy culture.
In his consulting work, B.T. focuses on brand strategy, design, marketing, social media, storytelling, leadership, and more.
In 2017, B.T. released his first podcast, Blue Babies Pink, “A Southern Coming Out Story in 44 Episodes." BBP quickly became a top 40 podcast worldwide, and more than 1.3 mil episodes have been downloaded since it launched.
B.T. recently released his second narrative-style podcast, Catlick. Catlick is a historical true crime saga that follows a tragic series of events in early-1900s Atlanta. In 2020, cnn.com included Catlick as a “must-listen podcast." Since its debut, Catlick fans have streamed more than 450,000 episodes.
In B.T.’s previous corporate work, he was the Vice President of Client Experience for Booster, an innovative school fundraising company based out of Atlanta. From 2005 — 2016, B.T. was a key player in helping Booster raise more than $150 million for American schools. Within Booster, he led a team of creatives that developed high-end character & leadership content for more than 1.3 million students annually.
Today, B.T. lives in the East Atlanta neighborhood with his husband, Brett, and their two cats, Walnut & Rosie.
To learn more, visit btharman.com.